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Heroes of Public Safety

Heroes of Public Safety - Honoring those that gave their lives serving others.
Home > Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorship Levels

Will Rogers once wrote,

“We can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.”

These words speak volumes for the many individuals, corporations and organizations that have “stood on the curb” in support of those in public safety through their contributions of time, money and materials to make this event happen.

We invite you to join us on “the curb” through one of our sponsorship packages.

Platinum Shield (Title) Sponsor – $5,000

*Provided by sponsor

Gold Shield Sponsor – $3,000

*Provided by sponsor

Silver Shield Sponsor – $2,500

Bronze Shield Sponsor – $1,000

Public Safety Supporter – In Kind

In-kind sponsorship is an option for organizations and individuals who want to support the Beyond the Badge 5K Run and Walk but don’t necessarily have a lot of extra cash to contribute. In-kind sponsorships allow you to provide products or services needed to off-set the costs of organizing the event. These cost savings result in more funds available for our scholarship recipients. Examples of needed in-kind contributions are:

If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities for the Beyond the Badge 5K Run & Walk, please contact:

Jerry Baker

Janice Starnes